петък, 5 януари 2007 г.

Beckham kicks off MOTORAZR in Japan

David Beckham joined Motorola in Tokyo to formally kick off sales of Motorola’s trend-setting MOTORAZR (M702iS) handset with DoCoMo in Japan.
Sporting the hot new device, the football icon popped up at ersatz appearances around Tokyo, with Japan’s most stylish mobile device, MOTORAZR.
Appearing with leading Japanese sportscaster Tomoaki Ogura on Best Moments in Sports 2006, Fuji-TV’s highly rated year end sports program, Beckham showed the MOTORAZR in each of its three colors. In an exclusive announcement, the soccer icon also unveiled a one-of-a-kind customized “MOTORAZR tattoo keitei by David Beckham” that will be auctioned online (http://sa.item.rakuten.co.jp/rakuoku/a/061229_moto_a/ or via MOTORAZR or other mobile phones at http://sa.item.m.rakuten.co.jp/rakuoku/a/061229_moto_a/) to raise money for UNICEF, in honor of Beckham’s role as UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador.
Beckham then hosted a MOTORAZR fashion show at the popular Roppongi Hills Arena, cutting through the backdrop with his MOTORAZR, introducing the device to the several thousand people assembled at the event with the help of J-Wave personality Sean K, and demonstrating why the MOTORAZR is the “must-have” DoCoMo handset. The program, which began with traditional Taiko drums, continued with Beckham treating the crowd to a free-kick demonstration onstage and climaxed with Beckham drawing the name of a random MOTORAZR owner in the crowd, calling the winner on her MOTORAZR, and bringing her onstage for a photo and gifts. Beckham concluded the event by kicking specially-branded black and silver MOTORAZR balls into a mosh-pit at center-stage filled with MOTORAZR owners.
MOTORAZR, available in Japan for only two weeks, is already the hottest selling mobile device in Japan, with the Hot pink, Neo black, and Cool silver handsets all topping the sales of DoCoMo’s popular 7 series. Beckham finished the day with a spontaneous stop at a Motorola “touch-and-try” event in Shibuya, one of the world’s busiest and hippest shopping areas to thank all of the people who had already made MOTORAZR the mobile device champion in Japan.

Motorola усиливает свои возможности в сфере видеоуслуг.

Motorola и Tut Systems подписали соглашение о слиянии. Согласно договору Tut Systems переходит в собственность американского гиганта мобильного рынка и в качестве дочерней компании становится частью подразделения Motorola Connected Home Solutions. По условиям сделки Motorola приобретает основную долю акций общей стоимостью 39 миллионов.
Компания Tut Systems достаточно известна на рынке технологий кодирования и обработки данных, в том числе для телефонных сетей, а также продвижением форматов MPEG-2 и MPEG-4 AVC.
В этом контексте данное приобретение значительно усиливает возможности Motorola в использовании технологий передачи видеоданных, позволяя вывести на рынок целый ряд новых решений для сферы IP, построения ATM-сетей и развития широкополосных сетей доступа. Ну а для простых потребителей это означает, что в скором времени они смогут приобрести аппараты Motorola, оснащённые продвинутыми видеовозможностями.

Sprint Formally Announces Motorola Q

Sprint has formally announced in a press release that the Motorola Q will be made available later this month online and through Telesales, with a full retail launch in February. The Sprint Motorola Q has an identical feature set to the Verizon version. However, Sprint has included programs like NFL Mobile, On Demand, and the debut of the new Sprint PowerDeck, which is a complete redesign of their mobile web service, as well as Good Mobile Messaging which would be available directly from the PowerDeck, but still requires a hosted email server. Windows Mobile devices on Sprint have been without a home page/portal from Sprint for years, something which has been a major point of criticism from users. No information on price was given in the press release.

Предварителни резултати за продажбите на Motorola в края на 2006 г.

Motorola публикува предварителни данни за продажбите си през четвъртото тримесечие на 2006 г. За съжаление от компанията са очаквали по-високи продажби покрай коледните и новогодишните празници. До момента продажбите на компанията са между 11,6 и 11,8 милиарда щатски долара, въпреки че през октомври от Motorola съобщиха, че очакват продажбите за последното тримесечие да са между 11,8 и 12,1 милиарда. Общия брой продадени преносими устройства на компанията през последното тримесечие на 2006 г. е 66 милиона - 23% повече отколкото през третото тримесечие и 48% повече отколкото през последното тримесечие на 2005 г. Официалните финансови резултати на компанията ще бъдат обявени на 19 януари.