четвъртък, 21 декември 2006 г.
Новый мобильник Motorola всегда будет стерильно чистым.
Компания Motorola запатентовала новое приспособление для стерилизации мобильных телефонов. И микрофон, и динамик мобильного телефона создают благоприятные условия для развития самых разных микроорганизмов, уничтожить которых обычными химическими средствами не представляется возможным, поскольку бактерицидные вещества повреждают и электронику. Motorola предложила очень простой способ - облучать внутренние поверхности с помощью светодиода с длиной волны 250 нм (ультрафиолетовый свет такой же длины волны используют в стандартных бактерицидных лампах). По оптическим световодам свет поступает внутрь трубки. Обработка длится всего три минуты, этого достаточно для обеззараживания. Для предотвращения вредного воздействия на человека излучение включается только при закрытой верхней крышке телефона, а для сохранения заряда батареи включение светодиода происходит при установке телефона в зарядное устройство.
Motorola готовит к выпуску MOTOKRZR K2

Компания Motorola готовит к выпуску мобильный телефон MOTOKRZR K2, который возможно придет на смену "зеркальному" MOTOKRZR K1. Всё вышесказанное прямо подтверждается наличием факта сертификации модели MOTOKRZR K2 по программе Bluetooth Qualification, о чем собственно и говорится в официальных документах этой организации:
Из этого документа видно, что MOTOKRZR K2 будет CDMA телефоном с поддержкой беспроводной технологии Bluetooth и следующими её профилями: GAP, SPP, HSP, DUN, OPP, FTP, HFP1.0, BIP, GAVDP, A2DP, AVCTP, AVDP, AVCRP.Теперь осталось только дождаться официального анонса компании, что бы прояснить ситуацию с остальными характеристиками телефона и посмотреть, как он будет выглядеть хотя бы на фото.
Motorola V3m RAZR (Verizon) Firmware Updated

Verizon has issued to stores a firmware update for the Motorola V3m RAZR. Firmware NEWC_01.09.02 adds the ability to send contacts via Bluetooth as a vCard. It also includes various minor fixes, and is suggested for all VTo update your V3m RAZR, call your local Verizon Wireless store to confirm availability. Firmware Tracker Updated... 3m owners to update.
Battle of the KRZR's in Canada

Alright yes we have officially hit battle of the KRZR's in Canada. Now that every top Wireless carrier has it, Including Rogers, Bell and Telus. Who's missing out? Fido but who knows that could change next year.
Everyone has there KRZR at the same price point of $199.99 on three year contract (with the expectation of Bell saving you a whole 5 cents). So you’re probably wondering what makes these three KRZR's different? Well the biggest difference to start with is that the KRZR K1 offered by Rogers Wireless sports a 2 megapixel camera and comes in a Blue colour; however it looses the external touch sensitive media keys. The KRZR K1m offered by both Bell and Telus comes in a slick Silver/Charcoal colour but features a 1.3 megapixel camera and has external touch sensitive media keys to control your music.
Now it’s down to the two KRZR K1m's. The Telus KRZR supports French menus where Bell's doesn't. As well it supports XM radio where Bell doesn't offer it. In Bell's defense they are planning a software upgrade in April 2007 that you can register for which might make way for new features.
So basically everyone is going to be pushing the KRZR as the next RAZR series and in time we may even see different colour variants and price drops but for now you just need to decide what you’re looking for more music or more camera.
Everyone has there KRZR at the same price point of $199.99 on three year contract (with the expectation of Bell saving you a whole 5 cents). So you’re probably wondering what makes these three KRZR's different? Well the biggest difference to start with is that the KRZR K1 offered by Rogers Wireless sports a 2 megapixel camera and comes in a Blue colour; however it looses the external touch sensitive media keys. The KRZR K1m offered by both Bell and Telus comes in a slick Silver/Charcoal colour but features a 1.3 megapixel camera and has external touch sensitive media keys to control your music.
Now it’s down to the two KRZR K1m's. The Telus KRZR supports French menus where Bell's doesn't. As well it supports XM radio where Bell doesn't offer it. In Bell's defense they are planning a software upgrade in April 2007 that you can register for which might make way for new features.
So basically everyone is going to be pushing the KRZR as the next RAZR series and in time we may even see different colour variants and price drops but for now you just need to decide what you’re looking for more music or more camera.
понеделник, 18 декември 2006 г.
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